Taller De Papel Arte-sanal Delirio

Crafting Eco-Friendly Paper

DeLirio Workshop, established in Huecorio, Michoacán, is a pioneer in crafting handmade paper using water lilies that overpopulate Lake Pátzcuaro. Their environmentally conscious process also involves recycling cotton and pine paper, creating a sustainable chain of production. This initiative not only provides jobs for the Indigenous community, mainly women, but also sends a powerful message about environmental care and the preservation of their aquifers which are being polluted.

In 2017, DeLirio carried out a collaboration with 32 Michoacán engraving artists, resulting in a collection of 62 woodcut posters on DeLirio paper. The itinerant exhibition covered various locations, from the Alfredo Zalce Contemporary Art Museum in Morelia to international events in Sicily, Italy, Los Angeles, and Seattle, promoting the fusion of craftsmanship and graphic art.

Despite the challenges imposed by the pandemic, the workshop has managed to recover its work rhythm and demand, preserving this community project of paper art and printmaking. DeLirio represents a successful model of combining ecology and art with social responsibility for economic growth.


Yuma Taru Iihan Studio


Tetyana Skoromna